Pleco for Android 2.4.9 Bug Report Thread


Did some more testing today. Turns out, all launcher shortcuts except for the dictionary one (namely OCR, reader, flash) can be created just fine. Sorry for exaggerating the issue. It's only the dictionary one that's bugged. Any idea what could be the culprit? Maybe it has something to do with it having the same name/icon as the main program (if my memory serves right)?

I really want that 'search for clipboard' functionality back on my new phone.


Staff member
It does launch the same activity, but that shouldn't be a problem unless MIUI is really badly designed - it's perfectly reasonable / common to have multiple shortcuts to do different things in the same activity. Did you create these other shortcuts with the in-app settings screen or did you find a screen in MIUI to let you do it?


You misunderstood me.

In MIUI there's no app launcher of any kind. Once you install a new app, the system automatically creates a desktop shortcut. And if you try to remove the shortcut, it just brings up the uninstallation window. Widgets/folders/bookmarks etc can be created at will, though.

Anyway, MIUI is very popular and can be installed on many phones. I'm sure you have a spare Android phone to test it on. Considering MIUI's connection with China, I'd reckon it affects a sizable portion of your customer base, so it wouldn't hurt to iron out a few MIUI specific bugs.


Staff member
The app launcher I'm referring to is the screen where all of the various app icons are - I'm asking whether there's any settings screen in that (maybe accessible through the menu button) that you can get to which might allow you to create shortcuts in an alternate way. Many other such systems have one. There are also any number of third-party app launchers (including some really cool gesture-based ones) that you could install on top of MIUI to give you easy access to whatever Pleco shortcuts you want.

As far as MIUI-specific bugs, to be honest I tend to be reluctant to put a lot of engineering time towards working out issues specific to a particular non-manufacturer-supplied Android distribution since there seem to be an almost unlimited supply of them and they get updated constantly; a quick check of our database suggests that maybe 1/1000 of our paying customers are using MIUI, and I believe you're the first one to complain about this issue, so it's tough to justify spending time on that versus something that would impact a larger number of users.


But MIUI is manufacturer-supplied! All 小米 phones are running it, and it's mainly created with them in mind.

You could at least read up on it a bit instead of dismissing it right away.


Staff member
But MIUI is manufacturer-supplied! All 小米 phones are running it, and it's mainly created with them in mind.

You could at least read up on it a bit instead of dismissing it right away.

Sorry, "manufacturer-supplied" was incorrect - mixed up MIUI with another distribution. But I am acquainted with it (I think we had it on a test phone here at one point), and even if you include Xiaomi phones that don't specifically describe themselves as running MIUI you're only up to maybe 2/1000 of our paying customers. And my frustration with manufacturer customizations is almost as great as that with non-manufacturer ones, particularly manufacturer customizations that replace as much as the original OS as MIUI does.

Anyway, I'm not saying we can't ever fix this, but I just don't see a way to make it a priority when it's a relatively minor issue affecting a relatively small number of customers that probably requires a difficult fix on our end (some sort of basic restructuring of the way we handle shortcuts) and can be worked around easily on yours (with a third-party launcher app) - it's the sort of bug that we file away and take a look at when we have another reason to work on the same configuration (e.g. another MIUI-specific bug) or the same subsystem (e.g. some future launcher revamp / modification to support Android 5.0).


hi, dont know if this was reported aready:

in the reader, i pinned the translation to the bottom of the screen (just above the arrow keys), sometimes i want to switch through the available dictionaries. previously i mistakenly thought, that my fingers (especially thumb) are to clumsy to hit the dict button exactly and that i accidentially hit the next arrow, which proceeds to the next word in the reader... today first time i saw that the next arrow gets colored blue (when its hit, i am in night mode) and that it covers half of the dict name (when colored). dont know why i did not see that before, maybe its because the little bit different "sitting position" i had today :D

so it seems that not my (left) thumb is the problem, but the overlap, which forces me to touch the dict name in the upper half, making the area very small...


Staff member
Hmm, that one's news to us... we'll try to reproduce it here and let you know if we can't. (you're definitely using 2.4.9, right?)