Why do I get "Session Complete" popups if I turn off "Limit new cards| ?


I suppose the main problem is that I don't really understand Spaced Repetition, but I'm trying to review a bunch of cards that I sort of know, but just want to check that I know, so I'm comfortable with going through a large number. I use "Prompt for quality", so I'm hoping that the cards that I score 6 will disappear quickly, while cards that I give a low score will come back. What happens is that I fairly quickly get a "Session Complete" popup saying I have no more cards to review, even though I have turned off "Limit new cards". I thought that turning off limit new cards meant that there would be no limit to the number of cards to review. What am I missing here? Thanks!


When I select Continue, I then go through 11 cards that I have now seen over and over again, and then I start getting new cards. Why do I see the same 11 cards over and over again at the start of each new test?


Staff member
Hmm... maybe the categories are limited? Or is this perhaps a fill-in-the-blanks test (which is limited to cards of 4 characters or less) being run on a group of mostly sentence cards?

If you email / DM me a copy of your flashcard database I can take a look.


Mike looked at my file and told me to turn on 'sort cards randomly' and 'sort not-due randomly' in Card Selection. That solved the problem with the repeating cards. Thanks for excellent support!