What Hardware to Buy? (in Beijing or US)


Hello All,

I am living in Beijing, and studying Chinese (on a part time basis), and I will be buying the plecodict software soon, after I get a PDA, smartphone, or whatever.

I can buy the hardware here in China if it makes sense, or I have someone coming from the States in a few weeks who can bring me something purchased from the US. I have no reason (now) to prefer palm, pocket pc, or any hardware maker. Budget is somewhat of an issue, but I don't mind paying a bit more if it really helps.

I am happy enough with my cell phone over here, and I use my IPOD for listening to chinese-learning related MP3s.

Thanks for your advice,



1900 rmb is not bad, just a bit less than amazom.com right now ($263)..

Pros / cons of buying here in China? warranty? chinese language support?


I just went through this ...the balance between where the sw is at this point, the upcoming release of 2.0 and what dedicated PDAs are available makes the TX an easy choice. I accept that the TX is a bit of a back to the future where you need to pretend that the world of PDA has been frozen in time for 2-years, but the larger and clear screen makes the choice easier. Smartphones are on the up and up ...the market is going to fashion itself based on the hype of the iphone and there is a lot of bling and more coming. But I did'nt want a phone, I have one and if I was to look at a smartphone then I will immediately lose the main purpose of the TX, the screen. I looked at keypad use, but cannot see myself fixed into some kind of tantric position just to get at the keys. You can buy a folding keyboard for the palm, if I find I need it ...then I will buy one later.
The http://www.pleco.com/whichpda.html hw page on this site might be a little depressing to the spirit but is is bang-on and suits the mood when you go and look. The E and E2 are the other Palm choices, the budget choices with smaller screens.
The poor choices in Palm forced me to look at PPC but I bounced back again to the TX. ...Palm may have dropped the ball but no one else has really picked it up and the iphone is just a bit of distraction.

RMB1900 is way better than prices in Australia (PALM AUSTRALIA YOU REALLY SUCK, I HOPE YOUR SERVICE IS REALLY GOOD) ...and you have to buy locally for the warranty, and because it is portable, IT WANTS WARRANTY.


thanks, tianli.. yours may well be the position i come to..

anyone have experience with the Asus 626 pocketpc (i think i description correct)? very similar features to the palm tx on the windows side of the equation..