USR Dict entries export to Flashcards

Martin P

My User Dictionary contains about 560 entries. Mostly are longer entries like sentences. I exported the USR Dict as a text file and wanted to import it to my flashcards. After importing the txt File, I found just 40 entries in the "uncategorized" category.
Question: How to transport all entries from the USR Dict. to flashcards?


Staff member
It sounds like you must already have some flashcards for most of the words in that dictionary, so it's skipping them as duplicates.

Set "duplicate cards" to "allow" in the Import Cards screen and that should get the whole file to import.

Martin P

It sounds like you must already have some flashcards for most of the words in that dictionary, so it's skipping them as duplicates.

Set "duplicate cards" to "allow" in the Import Cards screen and that should get the whole file to import.
Thanks a lot. It worked perfectly. 非常感谢你