Unable to properly import cards from desktop to iphone


I am trying to make custom cards from my desktop to iphone. When I try to import just the hanzi and have Pleco autofill the pinyin and definitions, there are a couple issues:
-the main issue is that when I try to do a test of these cards, it does not show the pinyin. Even if I select "Show: Chars + Pron", it only shows the characters. The only way for me to see the pinyin is to click on the card info.
-a minor issue is that sometimes the characters for certain cards imported in Pleco are not colored differently based on tones and they just show up as white.

I've also tried importing a text file that has hanzi and then tab that is empty and then definition, but it has the same issue. I wonder if this is what happens when I try to have Pleco fill in the missing pinyin field. I just think it would take a lot more time having to manually type everything out.

Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?


Staff member
If you go into Organize Cards, Edit, Batch, and tap "Add Pinyin readings," does that fill in the missing Pinyin in those cards? It should have been filled in automatically but perhaps it wasn't for some reason. (you might have to check 'overwrite existing' if they were imported with blank spaces for pinyin or something like that)