Umlauts in PlecoDict


I have a question about searching for words that have a "u" with an umlaut over it.

If you search for the word 律师, I cannot find it if I only enter lu4shi1. I am using a treo 650 and, after checking the box "input field compatibility mode" under characters preferences screen, I am able to input the right "u" but I still can't find the word.

Also, after checking the "input field compatibility mode" the text in the search line is in a different, more difficult to read font.

I'm sure I'm just missing something, anyone know what I am doing wrong?


Staff member
A lot of people have trouble finding this, actually; we should probably either draw more attention to it or just make 'u' also search for umlauts unless otherwise specified.


ALT key on Treo680

Hi Mike,

didn't want to open a new Topic for this. Just a little bug reporting:

I've noticed that it's not possible to use the ALT key to enter Umlauts or any other special characters within the Plecodict edit entry window on my new Treo 680.

Everything else is working more than fine! That's the main reason why you don't hear from me that often ;)




for what it is worth...

I had the same problem until I checked "input field compatibility mode" in preferences. Then I was able to enter umlauts, though the search still did not work so I think there might be an encoding issue.


Staff member
gandq - yes, much of the normal Palm OS text editing stuff won't work with our input fields; as far as the OS is concerned they're what are called "gadgets," controls which it doesn't know anything about the contents of, so it has no way of knowing whether you're hitting the Alt button in an input field or in an animated rocket ship.

Bullitt - not sure why they wouldn't be recognized, but it should be easy to find/fix the problem. But entering 'v's is generally a good bit easier on most Palms...