You have been so helpful to me over the past week through your answers to others' questions.
My question is this: When I upgrade to 2.0, obviously all the stats of the flashcards I have will come with them, but what about the ranks?
Background: I'm just now making the switch from SuperMemo, which I've used for 16 months now. I'm hoping to build a database from scratch using the words from the book that I'm using (New Practical Chinese Reader). I'm wondering what's going to happen if I take a week and enter in all the cards I want, then take 2 months and get to the point in my repetition spacing where I'm being tested on the stuff I need work on, and then switch to 2.0, am I going to be starting over again as far as card stats go?
I'm liking the repetition spacing scheme, though it lacks a couple components that SM has: With SuperMemo, I can be tested on the same words in two ways -- hanzi to english and english to hanzi, I have to choose with your program. (A workaround for that issue has been to cause the program to test me on hanzi to english on all the odd ranks, and english to hanzi on the evens. That works. Open to any other suggestions, too.) Secondly SM has a "final drill", which tests me on all the cards I just got wrong on my normal test. I find this drill is where the bulk of my learning gets done; seeing a card once a day is not enough. I've devised a way to set up my own final drill using your program, but it's a bit complex to type out here.
You have been so helpful to me over the past week through your answers to others' questions.
My question is this: When I upgrade to 2.0, obviously all the stats of the flashcards I have will come with them, but what about the ranks?
Background: I'm just now making the switch from SuperMemo, which I've used for 16 months now. I'm hoping to build a database from scratch using the words from the book that I'm using (New Practical Chinese Reader). I'm wondering what's going to happen if I take a week and enter in all the cards I want, then take 2 months and get to the point in my repetition spacing where I'm being tested on the stuff I need work on, and then switch to 2.0, am I going to be starting over again as far as card stats go?
I'm liking the repetition spacing scheme, though it lacks a couple components that SM has: With SuperMemo, I can be tested on the same words in two ways -- hanzi to english and english to hanzi, I have to choose with your program. (A workaround for that issue has been to cause the program to test me on hanzi to english on all the odd ranks, and english to hanzi on the evens. That works. Open to any other suggestions, too.) Secondly SM has a "final drill", which tests me on all the cards I just got wrong on my normal test. I find this drill is where the bulk of my learning gets done; seeing a card once a day is not enough. I've devised a way to set up my own final drill using your program, but it's a bit complex to type out here.