Tone coloring for specific languages / Expert settings confusion


I added a Hokkien dictionary which is working well, but the readings use numerals. Pleco reads these as Mandarin tone colors and color the words jankily while removing the numerals. If I hit edit on an entry I can see the numerals there. Is there a simple way to make tone coloring not apply to words from this dictionary? Even better would be to apply custom tone colors only to this dictionary.

I have messed with the expert settings to try to make this work, but I do not understand what most of them do, and I am a power user. There are even some standard settings that I do not understand. Is there some kind of documentation on this yet? I do know that a settings revamp is coming down the pipe, so maybe these issues will be addressed then.



Staff member
Not at the moment, no - best you could do would be to turn off tone coloring altogether. We're actually getting rid of most of the expert settings in the next beta, at least for now, but in that or a subsequent beta we plan to add the ability to create separate fields for Hokkien and other new readings and to display / search on them independently.