Three-finger tap in Handwriting


Hi, I understand that iOS can recognize three-finger taps. Would it be a good idea to introduce a three-finger tap in the Dictionary's Handwriting input area to erase the whole search field? Thanks.


Staff member
Maybe - in general three finger gestures are dicey because there's no way to tell that a two finger tap is about to become a three finger one, which is why we don't use a three-finger tap to (say) close the input box - wouldn't want to accidentally delete the character you just entered when you do that - but in this case if you're clearing the input field anyway then I suppose having your three-finger tap misinterpreted as a backspace gesture until the third finger comes down isn't such a bad thing.


Hello Mike, we've gotten a quite positive response in the poll (5 Yes vs. 1 No). I think power users will like this shortcut, while beginning users wouldn't be hampered by it. Do you think you could try this in an upcoming release? Thanks!


Staff member
Sorry, but "would you like" polls don't really count for much - you'll get an overwhelming consensus for adding almost any feature you can think of. (this is why we don't use open feature voting in general - unreliable and ignores the importance of making the whole thing fit together)

Anyway, at this point we're not really thinking about any new UI affordances until iOS 8 is at least a couple of betas in and we've established what Apple are changing / adding and what complications that might present; it's pretty much impossible to get any iOS developer to commit to anything the month before WWDC :) But we can certainly consider it then.


I understand. At least now it's on the table. Wish you a great WWDC! :)
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