Text extraction from Word doc removed?

Excuse me if this has already come up, but am I right that 4.0 no longer has the ability to extract the text from a Word doc? That was a feature I used quite a lot.
I can open Word files in the reader but in v3 there’s a glasses icon that turns it into a native Pleco document, which enables things like font size changes and night mode. That’s missing from v4.


Staff member
Actually, in v4 they should *only* open as native Pleco documents, which now support rich text; we dropped the old, web-browser-based mode altogether. Are you not able to change the font size / enable night mode in them?
Alright, so a few things: the files have a different icon in the document shelf, same icon as in v3 (I assume intentional—the icon for rich text maybe?). When I open them for the first time from within Pleco (Browse External Files), their name is listed as “Untitled” for a while. I’m not sure what triggers it to change. And then when I open them force light mode is on (which can be changed, but I’m not sure why it’s a different default setting than others—is that just default for rich text and I need to change the default?) but font size can’t be changed at all. Also there’s no edit button.

If there are different default settings for rich text, having some kind of indicator that this is a rich text doc and these are the settings for rich text docs would make things clearer.

A button to convert to plain text would also be helpful, or just a button to copy all the text, because I can do the conversion in another app no problem, but copying all the text by selecting it is slow.


Staff member
Thanks. Font size not working is odd, will investigate - maybe it's not working when the files have specified fixed font sizes. Rich text files do have different defaults but perhaps shouldn't.

As far as having an option to convert to plaintext - yeah, if it's a regression from our old app we can consider adding it. I'm mostly trying to push back against this sort of scope creep - I've never tried to position Pleco as a general-purpose document editor / viewer / converter, and I don't want to be spending a lot of time making it good at those things when that's something you can get from 100 other apps and "multifunctional Chinese dictionary" is not, but I also don't want to take away stuff people were using happily before.