Status update


Staff member
Unfortunately, as PlecoDict has been running a bit behind schedule and we make an order of magnitude more money selling Chinese dictionaries than we do selling phrasebooks, the Berlitz summer update I've mentioned a few times has been postponed until fall. However, it should provide some nice little enhancements like a solution to the long-festering CJKOS bug, UX40/UX50 widescreen support, and Palm OS 6 compatibility, along with (hopefully) some sort of machine-translation Pinyin feature. If we have time we may even be able to add support for reading phrasebook data files directly off of a memory card instead of copying them into RAM first, though this is still up in the air. The other "maybe" feature we're looking at now is the ability to bring up Chinese text in PlecoDict - it wouldn't have really been possible with Oxford E&C, since the two programs use different systems for encoding Chinese text (and we hadn't written a converter for that particular encoding), but PlecoDict uses the same system that Berlitz does and hopefully we'll be able to get PlecoDict's Instant Access feature working with Berlitz.