Square between the characters


Hi Mike,

just upgraded to 1.0 on the PPC. Everything is fine except that now there are weird squares between the characters. You can find a screenshot here:


I'm using a Dopod with a chinese OS (WM 2003 SE). BTW, wouldn't it be a good idea to split the Pleco Dict forum into one for PPCs and one for Palms. Sometimes it's a little hard to know what is what.



Staff member
Looke like you neglected to install the new PlecoPinyin font - we updated that to add a new zero-width space character, which we use to work around a bug in Microsoft's Chinese text handling (the reason why Chinese text would sometimes run off the screen in the early beta versions).

Download the "manual install" version of 1.0, copy the two PlecoPinyin font files to \\Program Files\PlecoDict and remove any copies of them that are in \\Windows\Fonts or \\Storage Card\Pleco Software PlecoDict and that should get rid of those boxes.

And yes, we'll be splitting the PlecoDict forum into two (and probably retiring some old forums and adding some new ones) in our upcoming website update.