some characters in unihan, not in pleco basic?


I am working on some basic flash cards based on the Huang and Stimson Written Chinese series. 2 questions. These all take place when traditional is selected in the toolbar above.

1st question from WSC chap 42:
The character 衝 chong1, collide, rush, as in 衝壞,(destroy by colliding/rushing against), this simplified should be 冲坏.

When I look up chong, I only find chong4, listed as 衝. However, if I look at chong1, 沖(simplified 冲) then definition 3 has in parentheses (衝), and also the english as charge, rush, dash. So can you explain why 衝 does not appear separately when searching on chong1? Does this mean that 衝 is a variant for the purposes of definition 3?

2nd question
製造的製. if I look up zhi4, I can find 制 which has in parentheses after 1 (製). Does this mean it's a variant? WSC chapter 41 shows 制 as the simplified for 製. and so does Oddly enough if I search on the pinyin, zhizao, then I come up with 製造. deleteing the 造, i.e. leaving 製 by itself then turns up
製版 but nothing for 製 alone.


p.s. I am not sure why i picked that title for this post... it made sense at the time.


Staff member
1) Yes, that means that 衝 is a variant which only applies to the third definition. Unfortunately, there's no easy way for us to go through and add all of those variant characters to the index so that they'll come up in search results, since they're not marked or formatted any differently in the data files.

2) Same goes - 製 is a variant in that case, and again there was no easy way for us to add it to the index since the dictionary doesn't treat it as part of the basic 制 headword.

The ABC dictionary does a considerably better job with these, though this should be corrected in Pleco 2.0 (or soon after) - we've now obtained the data files for the traditional-character edition of the Oxford dictionary along with the simplified, and by merging in that data with the simplified edition we should be able to improve the headword variant coverage significantly.