[Solved] Pleco doesn't show anymore if flashcard already exists in AnkiDroid


I'm using a Pixel 7 (Android 14) and have Pleco set-up to add flashcards to my Anki deck. This works great in itself. Flashcards get created whenever I press on the plus sign.

On my old phone (Android 10), Pleco puts a box around the plus sign (for adding flashcards). On the Pixel, it doesn't do that, so there is no indication as to if the word already exists in Anki. As a consequence, I create many duplicates.

I looked through settings and tried googling this issue several times - to no avail. What is the correct way to set this up?

Best regards


Staff member
Couple of possibilities:

- Is the model you're creating new cards in enabled for duplicate checking?
- Is the first field in the model (on the Anki side) a plaintext headword?
- If you check a few of these multiple duplicate cards on the Anki side, are they all in fact identical?


Couple of possibilities:

- Is the model you're creating new cards in enabled for duplicate checking?
Where can I check this? Is this an Anki or Pleco setting?

- Is the first field in the model (on the Anki side) a plaintext headword?
In the Anki preview and study mode, it just shows the character of the word. In fact, I just double-checked on my old phone. It's using the same Anki model and deck and still works.

Now, what is interesting: Cards that I add with my old phone just show the character headword in Anki. Cards that I add on the pixel show e.g. 曼&#35895 (+ xml tags for font-size and alignment) instead of just plain 曼谷 (on old phone) in the Anki card browser when I go to details. Might that be the issue?

- If you check a few of these multiple duplicate cards on the Anki side, are they all in fact identical?
I haven't checked each single ASCII character, but they look the same at first glance. Should I check in more detail?


Staff member
Now, what is interesting: Cards that I add with my old phone just show the character headword in Anki. Cards that I add on the pixel show e.g. 曼&#35895 (+ xml tags for font-size and alignment) instead of just plain 曼谷 (on old phone) in the Anki card browser when I go to details. Might that be the issue?
Yes, that could be it. Is the option to 'format as Pleco header' turned on? It shouldn't be showing for that field, but if it is, turn it off.

Also, which version of Pleco are you using? (check Settings / About)


Yes, that could be it. Is the option to 'format as Pleco header' turned on? It shouldn't be showing for that field, but if it is, turn it off.
I've already checked that setting. It's weird. For the first field, I can't choose any options. The only option that shows for that filed is "Include Fields" where I choose tc. Another Anki field shows more options, including "Format as Pleco Header", when choosing tc. This option has the desired (?) effect here: Actual character instead of ASCII code (+ xml tags for font-size and alignment) in Anki. Perhaps, I have to configure that first field in Anki somehow? Weird thing is, though, that on my old phone the settings are exactly the same for that first field (also only option to set "Include Fields" for that Anki field). I just double-checked. I can send screenshots if it makes things clearer.

Also, which version of Pleco are you using? (check Settings / About)
3.2.94 on both phones.


Staff member
We've actually fixed a bug relating to those 'format as header' settings in our public beta version 3.2.95 - can sign up at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pleco.chinesesystem. (it also fixes some annoying issues with Android 14 in general, like constant extra permission dialogs for screen OCR)

(it's been out for a couple of months and seems to work OK, we haven't been able to release it yet because we're waiting on a third party library update to comply with Google's annoying new 16kb page size requirement)


Installed the beta. No difference in settings (specifically no option to select or unselect 'Format as Header' for first field), but it works - exactly like on old phone. Thank you very much! :)