SMS applications for the TREO

anyone using 3rd party SMS or email apps for the treo. I have been looking at snappermail for email, does it support Chinese language?

Anything good for an sms application?


venture160 said:
anyone using 3rd party SMS or email apps for the treo. I have been looking at snappermail for email, does it support Chinese language?

Anything good for an sms application?

I don't believe that SnapperMail supports Chinese "straight out of the box." In order to view Chinese, you will need a program like CJKOS. I am not 100% sure about this. When I was using my Treo 600, I used to use SnapperMail but I didn't have/install CJKOS and I never used SnapperMail to read/send Chinese e-mails.

Currently, I use the included Versamail that comes on ROM for my Treo 650. SnapperMail had a lot of benefits over the mail application that came with the Treo 600 but it only has a few benefits (in terms of my personal usage) over the included Versamail on my Treo 650's ROM so even though I bought SnapperMail for my Treo 600, I never installed it on my Treo 650 once I upgraded since Versamail on my Treo 650 does almost (99%) what I was using Snappermail on my old Treo 600 for :(