Hi. Two small Pleco beta inconveniences for self-grading when using SM2 on an iPhone 13 mini. (1) After revealing the answer, I see Chinese characters for 1, 2, 3, 4 at the bottom of the screen but most of the text below the number is missing. Exactly what text appears depends on the card’s status of course but, for example, I might see “again” (n appears on a new line), “hard 10m”, “good” (d appears on new line) and “easy 4d”. In other words, some answers do not show the text for how long before the card will reappear. Probably my small iPhone 13 mini screen is the problem. For me, it would be preferrable to prioritise the timing part of the answer (e.g. “4d”) for each button, even if that meant there was no room for the words again/easy/good/hard. (2) Perhaps a bug but sometimes (several times in a session, I am not sure if it is something that I do) I find that the text disappears altogether for all future cards in that session, i.e. I only see the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. This is reset back to normal by swiping away the open Pleco app and restarting it (which is not a problem, since Pleco ‘remembers’ where I am in the flashcards session). Apologies if the above has already been noted elsewhere on the forum.