Sentences as flashcards: audio?


Hi all,

I recently discovered that we can convert Pleco's example sentences into flashcards. I love this feature, because I like to learn a language through phrases, not just individual words. In fact, I already use Anki to quiz myself on sentences from Spoonfed Chinese, and I also use the mobile app Immersive Chinese for sentences. But what I like about Pleco's sentence-flashcards is that I can pick for myself which sentences I want to practice. Some, for me, are more useful than others. At my stage, I especially prefer simple sentences that test me on one or two words or phrases.

My only complaint, though, is that the text-to-speech audio in the sentences isn't replicated on the flashcards. Instead of a fluid (if robotic) readout of the sentence that I get when I play it at the dictionary definition, in the flashcard I get the slow character-by-character readout. Is there a way to transfer the audio as well as the sentence characters to the flashcard?

Many thanks in advance.


Staff member
Go into Settings / Audio - is 'use TTS if no recording' turned off? Turn it on if so, that should get it back to using TTS.


Many thanks for your reply. That worked, mostly! Now when I encounter a sentence-flashcard, the female TTS does indeed work -- but it alternates with the male voice reading each character one by one. So if I listen to a card with TTS, then do the next card, the next card has the male character-by-character voice unless I tap "listen" again. Not a huge deal, but it would be nice if I could just disable that male voice altogether for sentence-flashcards. (For normal flashcards, I love having the alternate male and female voice recordings, of actual humans.)


Staff member
That's unfortunately not possible at the moment unless you have one of our male TTS add-ons, since it doesn't recognize sentence flashcards as being a distinct type of thing from word flashcards. (you could of course set it to female only but then that would apply to regular words too)

However, you could try our 4.0 beta (sign up at which has a lot more flexibility about this sort of thing. There's a 'Pleco Legacy' app you can install along with it which lets you keep using the old version at the same time.


Thanks for that information. I will check out the male TTS add-ons as well as the 4.0 beta. Both sound promising!

Thanks also for maintaining and improving this awesome app. I use it more than any other app on my phone. It's great!