save my flashcards!!



first time posting. i bought a palm for the pleco dictionary when i started studying chinese. i made a ton of flashcards throughout my course. now that my palm is a little bit old i worry that ill turn it on and all my flashcards will be gone. is there a way to save the flashcards on my computer? and also will those flashcards made on plecodictionary v1 import and work on the new plecodictionary (that i wish to buy) ??

if someone has these answers please reply. i would be most grateful.

- meng


Staff member
The flashcards should be backed up every time you HotSync your Palm; look in your Palm Desktop backup folder (c:\program files\palm\(your username)
Backup) for two files called "PlecoDict Flashcards" and "PlecoDict User DB C-E". Make sure those files were modified recently (meaning that they've recently been backed up); assuming they were, you can make copies of them in a safe location on your hard drive (or a backup disk) and that'll ensure that they're preserved if anything happens to your Palm.

And yes, we are indeed planning to let you import your PlecoDict v1 flashcards into PlecoDict v2 - this should be a fairly exact import, too, bringing stuff like created dates / flags / etc along in addition to the words/definitions.


thanks a lot mike. i'd been worrying for two years, little did i know they're already backed up automatically. will rest easy tonight.

very thankful, meng