Restoring backed-up flashcards


Hi all

A couple of days ago I turned on my Palm for a flashcard session, only to discover that my entire flashcard collection, built up over the past 8 months, seems to have disappeared.

I see from previous postings that flashcards are automatically backed-up each time I synchronise with my PC, and have located the relevant files on my hard-drive. My question is, how do I get these backed-up files back onto the Palm? I fear that if I merely synchronise again, the 'empty' Palm will overwrite my backed up files, and I will lose everything permanently. This would not be a good thing!

Any hints gladly appreciated.



Staff member
Good thing you didn't synchronize again after the cards disappeared - that could definitely have caused problems.

The first thing you want to do is go into your Palm Desktop backup folder (C:\Program Files\Palm (or palmOne or Palm Desktop)\(your username)\Backup). In that folder you should see a "PlecoDict Flashcards" and a "PlecoDict User DB C-E" file. Copy both of those files to your computer's desktop. (if you see more than one Flashcards or User DB file, copy all of them) Next, queue up both of those files to install to your Palm. Then, HotSync your Palm to copy over the files - since you've copied the backups to the desktop, you don't need to worry about them being overwritten. After that, start PlecoDict again and the flashcards should be restored.