Reader less responsive on iPad Air 2



I use the Pleco Reader pretty regularly - previously I used it on an iPad 2 but have recently upgraded to the Air 2. Using the Reader on the Air 2, I find that when I press down on the Chinese text, I often need to press numerous times before the Reader recognizes my input and brings up the corresponding definition. This was never an issue on iPad 2 and makes using the Reader a slower, more frustrating experience. Is there any possible resolution to this or is it simply an unavoidable consequence of the higher, denser screen resolution?


Staff member
This one's news to us - I have an Air 2 myself and haven't noticed any downgrade in touchscreen performance. Have you noticed difficulty with precise tapping / selecting in any other apps? Are you using the latest versions of Pleco and of iOS? And what sorts of texts are you reading - plain .txt files or EPUBs or web pages or DOC files or PDF files or something else?


Staff member
Just checked and I think I may have found an explanation for the tap difficulties - these are EPUB or HTML files, right? Anyway we'll fix the potential cause of this in our next bug-fix update which we'll be submitting to Apple any day now.


Yes, that's right Mike - it was using the Web Reader function, ie reading html files. Thanks as always for your responsiveness.