Processing Flashcard Chinese Characters - A Big Problem



I am running Pleco 1.0.3 for the Palm. I was hoping this update was going to fix this problem. But I am very disappointed that the problem persists.

I have a big problem. I am making flashcard lists and importing them for pleco to process. After they process and I am going over them many of the flashcard terms are very incomplete and it is very frustrating for me.

I'll give an example:

I will have 校 as one of the terms in my flashcard list. After it is processed and I review it, pleco gives me this definition:

⁶jiào v. ①check; proofread ②compare critically ③collate See Also ²xiào

The definition for 校 ²xiào should be ①school ②field officer. But it's not included and just tells me to go 'See Also' Can you fix it so that instead of it saying See Also ²xiào, it will also give me the definition for ²xiào? It is VERY frustrating.

I know that I can make my own flashcards and edit it by hand. But I have up to 3000 flashcard terms now. Editing each character by hand will take hundreds of hours. Also, I do not know which terms are incomplete until I start going over them.

I really feel that the dictionary should be more complete and match up the correct definitions for all the chinese characters as opposed to telling the user to go "See Also".

Please help.


Staff member
We are indeed planning to fix this, but it's well beyond the scope of what we can do in a minor update - it involves a major overhaul to the flashcard system of the sort we're planning in Pleco 2.0. (some of 2.0 will be a paid upgrade, but the flashcard improvements will most likely be available for free)

However, the current system will match up Pinyin if you supply it along with characters, so one way to work around this would be to list the Pinyin; if a word has more than one Pinyin romanization, just make a separate entry for each and you'll end up with both versions in your flashcard list. Admittedly that's not as clean as doing it automatically, but it's a lot easier than making entries by hand.