Private Messages


Staff member
Some rather foolish person has been PM'ing people attempting to get them to trade him a pirated copy of PlecoDict, apparently unaware of the fact that since this is Pleco's server we can very easily read any message anyone sends using it (though we never do unless it's reported to us).

Anyway, he's now been banned, obviously, but thanks to all of the people who reported this so quickly. And apologies to anyone who was inconvenienced or otherwise annoyed by this nitwit.


You have GOT to be kidding...!!!!??? how brain damaged do you have to be to do something like that on a board with dedicated pleco fans... sheesh... (although should I feel left out that he didnt try to contact me... oh well)...


Staff member
He's at it again, so we've now blocked him in a much more dramatic way that should prevent him from even *seeing* PlecoForums, let alone creating an account and using it to bug people. Apologies again about this, software pirates are the lowest form of scumbag on the internet.