Prelminary 2.0 Space Requirements


Staff member
We've finally got something pretty close to a finished set of audio data files for 2.0, so for the benefit of those of you shopping for SD cards I thought I'd post the space requirements here.

The audio files will be available with 2 different speakers (male and female), 3 sets of files each:

Single Pinyin syllables: 7 MB each
Basic Words (essentially everything in the HSK plus some others): additional 33 MB each
Extended Words (pretty much every word in the Oxford dictionary or the Pocket version of the ABC): additional 130 MB each

Total: 170 MB per speaker, so 340 MB total for both.

As far as other data files, the new E-C dictionary will likely clock in at around 20 MB, the new C-C at around 15, stroke order data and the extra indexes for the old dictionaries will likely add an additional 15, so worst-case scenario you're looking at roughly 85-90 MB for the non-audio portion of PlecoDict, or a total footprint for absolutely everything of around 430 MB. (excluding any flashcards / free add-ons, of course)

So basically, a 512 MB SD card would be enough for everything, and a 256 MB card would be sufficient if you were OK with only the Basic sets of audio files (or with audio only from one speaker and a smaller set of dictionaries). 128 MB would get you single-syllable audio, but not much more. For new SD card purchases, though, given what prices are like now I wouldn't recommend anything below 1 GB, and really the price differences between 512 / 1 GB / 2 GB are so small that it would probably be worthwhile to get a 2 GB one. (4 GB cards won't work on most Palms and can be a little flaky on the ones they do work on, so I'd probably steer clear of those)

As stated in the subject line, these numbers are preliminary and subject to change, but we're feeling pretty confident about them - the space savings of encoding the audio at a lower bitrate don't seem to be sufficient to justify the reduction in quality, and anyway the last thing we need to do is add yet another Confusing Installation Option by offering people two different audio file quality levels. They may add 10-20 MB or so in the final version, but the 512 MB card compatibility should still hold.

One other hardware requirement note. While we are committed to making Pleco 2.0 run in some form in Palm OS 4 devices, the new audio feature definitely won't (since Palm OS 4 didn't support sampled sound), and in fact some existing features probably won't work either; for example, flashcards and custom dictionaries will likely be disabled on Palm OS 4 because our new SQLite database engine really can't run efficiently on a system that old. (nobody wants to wait 20 seconds for their software to start up) So if you're still carrying around an OS4 device it would probably be a good idea to start planning to upgrade once 2.0 comes out, at least if you want to use PlecoDict for anything other than the basic write-or-type-a-word-to-look-up-its-meaning function.

On the other hand, thanks to the reduced feature set on pre-OS5 devices we may actually be able to re-enable compatibility with Palm OS 3.5; this is far from certain yet, but since the new Lite bundle will be the cheapest product we've offered in quite a while, we'd obviously like to maximize the range of devices that it can run on.
Thanks for the update Mike. I can't wait to see your new product. I am even starting to have dreams (nightmares?) of testing a beta pre-release version of 2.0.


Thanks for the Info

I think with todays memory prices the max should be no topic. The problem might be much more that many devices can't handle big memory cards ... But if I read correctly there is no limit for CF-cards :) so - should I get 8 or 16GB :) unfortunately in this area the price is not too low yet - though ...

So far if I clear Chinesepod to my pc I have around 1GB free-space ...


I would think that the question of size (of CF card) is contingent on how you use your PDA. How many games will you store on this card? How many podcasts? How many videos? How many productivity suites and databases?

I use an Axim x51v, which permits two expansion cards. I have an 8 GB Cf card and a 4 GB SD card and I'm going to run out of room in the next month or so. That's because I use PD, several dictionaries in several languages, two other brands of Chinese flash cards, many many games, about 10 medical reference books, almost the full set of Chinesepodcasts...I'm what is called a heavy user.

I'm seriously considering buying larger cards very soon. Depends on cost. (No duh?) Now that Dell has killed off its Axim and is trying to empty their warehouses of this nearly perfect mix of price and machinery, I'm going to have to find myself another 2-card PDA. Recent research tells me this won't be easy to find nor will it be cheap. ARGHH.


Yeah, I totally agree. The size of your CF and SD cards depends entirely on what you are using your PDA for.

For me the size of PlecoDict is not an issue because I feel that the tools provided by Plecodict far outweigh any cost I might incur by having to upgrade the size of my memory cards to accommodate the program's size.

As for PDA’s with 2 memory card slots and a lot of functionality, I am using the hp iPAQ hx2495. It has an SD card slot, CF card slot, wireless, bluetooth, infrared, a 512 mhz processor, and a lot of other nice features, including a really large, high resolution screen. I am sure you have probably already come across it or some of the other iPAQS with similar or even better features, but I thought I would let you know anyway.

I have a question regarding the multiple languages installed on your PDA. Do you have any programs related to Japanese installed? I have been trying to find some good Japanese programs for my PDA. I am especially interested in dictionaries and study aids that will recognize Japanese handwriting input, because the handwriting ability makes it a lot faster to write in Japanese and to do searches. Additionally I am interested in programs that have romanji in addition to the characters so that I can quickly see the pronunciation for characters that I do not remember. Though there are a plethora of Japanese programs out there, so far I have had little luck trying to find programs with the aforementioned features. Any advice?



Have you guys ever thought of just carrying extra cards? The best thing I bought for my HP2210 was a leather wallet that carries four sd cards in the front flap .. does not increase the size of the package significantly (I still get it into a coat pocket) and I currently carry two 2Gb SD, two 1Gb SD, whatever is loaded in the 2210. I use the 2Gb CF card for all the things that are allowed to reside on it and will probably take that up to 8Gb when prices drop far enough.

I dont have any problems beyond the occassional need for a soft reset - which I get without swapping cards. Am I missing something in the way you intend to use these "beasts"? :roll:


I use iLauncher (SBSH) to make categorized "pages" with lots of shortcuts on them. If I pull a card and replace it with another, many of my most important shortcuts become unusable. For that reason, I use big cards that will hold everything.




Well ... I wonder if some here need 4 cars - because:

in summer a cabrio is nice
in winter a warm - real top car - is nice
off road a jeep is nice
on the street a Porsche or SLK is nice (there are in deed some non-German cars which are also nice for that purpose :))
hmmm - did I forget something - ah of course you need an oldtimer for the sunday afternoon

(actually ... I do not have any car - only an oldtimer Vespa :))

what I am trying to say is: if you got the money - just put everything you might ever need on your pda. For me it is sufficient to have the things I might need the next week. Sandra: Why would you need all of Chinese Pod on your PDA? Once Chinesepod got more than 1GB on my PDA but then I just copied it to my PC.
BTW: there is a copy software for the cards also which is called mobsync and there is also an old free version which is not too stable but works. The software is not too good - is there something better? Does anybody have experience with the commercial version?

As for more than 1 card: Maybe it is convenient if you have different, clearly defined and separable purposes for your PDA (like learing Chinese, navigation, listen to music). For me that is not really convenient. I am a commuter: sometimes I use Plecodict, sometimes I read the bible on my device (also in Chinese - so I will need plecodict at the same time) and sometimes I listen to Chinesepod or to music and usually I do a good mix of everything. So I guess I would have to switch all the time and quite some applications do not like it when they are running while you change the card - they tend to create "SD-card" folders in main memory in that case which causes hazzle (e. g. Outlook or FeederReader).

If I would really trust the CF of my Dell I would get a big CF card. Since there had been some issues I am not very sure if I should do that ...


PS.: actually I wonder if we are really going off-topic here ...


Oh, we probably ARE going off-topic, but PlecoDict is the make-or-break program for me on any handheld I use--and I use 2 or 3 at a time. (I'm a computer editor and much of my job is vigorously testing hardware and software. PD is in my test suite. That guarantees I always have it with me.)

That's also why i use two big memory cards in the Axim x51v--they are swappable and encyclopedic. Makes my job much easier.

BTW, My car is a '93 Mazda RX7, but if I had the money, I might buy the new Porsche Boxter S or the Honda ST2000--I like to race my cars.



Staff member
Small revision on this: the two new dictionaries will actually be significantly bigger if you add in the full-text search indices; with the 21st Century dictionary, for example, the full-text index will likely add another 20-30 MB. So everything will probably still squeeze into 512 MB, but I'd repeat my earlier statement that there's really no good reason to buy anything smaller than a 1 GB card these days.


Tick-tock, tick-tock...Nothing to do but patiently wait.

sfrrr: A '93 Mazda RX-7 with a big single and associated fuel system upgrades ought to destroy a Boxter or S2000 on the streets and keep up nicely on a track with long straights. See <>. In my defense, I was only putting down about 440 RWHP, 440 RWTQ SAE then...


adamlau--my heavens. who woulda thunk there'd be another rotary maniac in a forum as small as this one. Aximsite, maybe. But not here. Or is there something similar about studying Chinese and driving hot Japanese cars?

And thanks for the link to the RX7 site. I didn't know it existed. (If I have a specific question or a problem, I google it and rarely even bookmark the site.
now that I've read a thread or two, I'm going to check it regularly. For a while.



Wow, I have a '93 RX7, too! I was running a big single for a while, but now I'm back to non-seq. twins on a street port. Sorry, I know this is an old thread but I just got back into town and noticed it.



full-text search indexes?

Mike- This has very likely already been discussed, but about the full-text search indexes: your page describing improvements for version 2.0 describes this as a full index of the term and example sentences. Do you mean the full entry, or just the term itself and example sentences? It would be really neat to be able to search ABC for idioms ("ID."), photography terms ("<photo.>") or insults ("<derog.>"). It wouldn't hurt to be able to send my search results directly into a flashcard set, either.

On a related note, some of ABC's scope notes given in <triangle brackets> are not visible in PlecoDict for PocketPC because they don't appear early enough in the entry to be visible in the entry list and are mysteriously absent from the main entry view. I assume that this is a bug, and probably already noted. The last time I thought there was something PlecoDict wasn't doing right the problem was really with me, so someone tell me if I'm being stupid.


Staff member
At the moment, we're only planning to let people search example sentences and definitions, not grammatical terms; the sort of indexing you use for finding a few dozen or hundred of something in a database is very different than the sort that you use to find ten thousand of something.

The triangle brackets thing is a bug, yeah; basically we're using Microsoft's HTML viewer to render dictionary entries and it's insisting that all of those are actually HTML tags. Since the calls for a bug-fix release have largely subsided (and most of the significant bugs require a 2.0-level rewrite to fix anyway) the fix for this will likely come in the first beta of 2.0, in which we're using a completely different system to render entries (the same one we use on Palm, actually).


4GB SD card

Regarding 4GB cards on a Palm:

I am running Pleco on a Palm TX with a 4GB sd card and the card is currently holding over 3.5GB with more room to spare.

Have yet to experience any problems, going on about two months now.

It's a Kingston SD card (though the authenticity of the label is questionable), bought it at a computer market in 海淀区 北京 .