Preliminary Pocket PC Beta 1 Bug-Fix Posted


Staff member
We've just posted a preliminary bug-fix update for PlecoDict for Pocket PC Beta 1; it doesn't fix all of the bugs, just the two that have made the software nearly or completely unusable for some people: the one that prevents PlecoDict from finding its files correctly on startup, and the one that prevents the handwriting recognizer from returning results in full-screen mode.

The bug fix is available at To install it, first install Beta 1 (if you haven't already), then soft reset your Pocket PC to make sure that PlecoDict isn't currently running. Next, go to My Computer (on your desktop) and Mobile Device and navigate to the directory where you installed PlecoDict. Replace the "PlecoDict.exe" file in that directory with the one from the bug fix archive and run PlecoDict and the bugs should hoepfully be fixed. You can verify that the fix is installed by checking the About screen - the fixed version will be listed as "0.9b11" instead of "0.9b1".

Assuming this fix works for everyone, we'll update the installation files within a day or so. It'll still be a little while before we release a full-fledged Beta 2 fixing all (or nearly all) known bugs, but these two have been aggravating enough for people that it seemed best to get an update out ASAP.