Preferred styling/branding for "open in Pleco" link?



We're creating a Mandarin learning app, and we're using Pleco's URL scheme to include a link on word info screens to open the word in Pleco.

I was wondering if Pleco has a particular approved/standardised styling that they'd prefer apps to use in this situation, as provided by Facebook/Google etc. Something like this:



Staff member
Not specifically, no. Obviously as with any use of another company's brand this should be strictly functional and not imply that this is a Pleco product or whatever, and a mention of Pleco and our icon being registered trademarks of Pleco Inc. in your About page or wherever else you stick required legal notices would be appreciated, but implementations are tricky enough that we try not to impose any rules on how the link should look.

(but if you want this to look a bit more Pleco-y you could use Source Sans Pro [the font we use in our app] instead of whatever you're using there)


Thanks for the quick reply, Mike! I'll see what we can do about the font, but most likely will be San Francisco on iOS (shown above) and Source Sans Pro on Android. We'll be sure not to imply any association, and we'll include the trademark notice in our legal notices.