PPC: minor issue with imported flashcards after reset

Maybe it's just my old h1040, but I will report it anyway....

I have a few sets of flashcards imported from ZDT (very easy!). On my PDA they all appear with the same filename "imported file". I rename them then.

When I now do a reset (the PDA has "issues") all will have the name "imported file" again after the reset.

Workaround: after import, make a new, empty flashcard file with the name you need. Move all imported entries to the new file. Delete the "imported file". Now all data will stay after reset.


Staff member
That's odd. It sounds like the list name changes aren't being saved to the Pocket PC's memory correctly for some reason. Anyway, that workaround sounds like a good fix, we'll take a look at the code and see if we can find the source of the problem for the still-coming-at-some-point 1.0.4 update.