Glad to hear it. Regarding your notes, the memory card detection thing is actually a Microsoft bug - basically everything that happens after the component selection screen is stuff that's built into ActiveSync.
The manual install problem is another thing I can blame on Microsoft, though it's more of a design flaw than an actual bug. In older versions of Windows Mobile, when you installed a file to a memory card, the file would be copied over to the memory card directly from your computer. In Windows Mobile 5, however, Microsoft changed this so that files would have to be stored in internal memory before they could be copied over; hence, if you have plenty of space for the files on a memory card but not enough space in internal memory, you can run into problems that necessitate a manual install.
We do have a way of working around this which we're considering incorporating into PlecoDict 2.0 - basically, we'll write our own installer system that circuments Microsoft's completely and copies files to where they're supposed to be copied. Not a small amount of work, but the current Pocket PC install situation isn't pretty and we don't see any other way to improve it.