Plecodict DA and Center Button (TX)


Hi, I recently bought a TX to replace an older Palm model.

The Plecodict DA works fine -- except I can't close the DA by pressing the center button. This button should activate the 'DONE' button.

So I have to fish the stylus out to close the window -- not always simple when crammed into a packed train !

Maybe this is something that could be looked into?


I've got a TX too and I'm also not a big fan of using a stylus except for writing but I don't have that problem. I set (in Plecodict) the DA launch to the 3rd of the 4 app buttons. When I want to open the DA, having selected some text in Documents To Go or Blazer perhaps, I press that button. Then to close it, press the same button. Is that one-handed operation pretty much what you want to do?




Ah..that's the trick -- thanks for the tip :D

I would like still to use the standard TX features -- too many exceptions to the rules means I'll run out of buttons real soon!

As an aside -- to make one-handed operation easier I've been working on a DA which uses the 5Way nav to select text and (optionally) automatically launch a DA when the center button is pressed.

If that might be useful, I can post the link when it's ready for a wider audience.


One-handed text selection would be great! It looks like it'll be a wee while yet before version 2 comes out and I'm currently reading several hours each day for my exams, so anything that'll make that less of a chore is great in my books. Mmm, PDA in one hand, beer/fan/squeezy stress toy in the other - sweet.


Staff member
This should definitely be fixed in 2.0.

One-handed text selection would be rather difficult for us to implement in Instant Access (choisum's DA may be able to do this in standard Palm text fields, but it would be almost impossible to get it working in programs with their own text-drawing systems like DocsToGo), but we've already gotten several requests both here and by e-mail for a one-handed mode in the new built-in document reader and we're looking into ways we might be able to implement that.


> This should definitely be fixed in 2.0.

Happy Bunny :D

>(choisum's DA may be able to do this in standard Palm text fields, but
>would be almost impossible to get it working in programs with their own
>text-drawing systems like DocsToGo)

This is true. I resort to copying text to memo pad.

>we've already gotten several requests both here and by e-mail for a
>one-handed mode in the new built-in document reader and we're looking
>into ways we might be able to implement that

Much appreciated.