Plecodict and TX headache?


VERY LONG POST - sorry but want to provide you guys which as much info on problem as possible.

I am a big fan of Palm and have owned a Palm Vx, Tungsten and now a TX. Its never been easy to make them work the first time and TX unfortunately follows the same rule...

After trying everything to install Pleco on my TX I am now starting to believe that I will renounce, which pisses me off because I live in China and need this tool more than anything else. The problem is that not only the pleco was super unstable when I managed to install it the first time - it crashes the TX - but the Oxford E/C does not as well work on my TX.

Now I tried to install without the handwriting recognizer and it simply FREEZES on 'documents' during hotsync for long minutes which I know means its stuck for good...and what the hell has 'documents' to do with it...ahhh...I am sure you get by now that I am quite annoyed with simple software being able to waste a half a day at work trying to make them work.

If anyone has knowledge on how to resolve this situation I would love to know. Because at this point it seems like I am not even able to install the dictionnary, it won't even finish a sync normally.


BUGS that I observed
- First time I installed Oxford unstable right from the start, would soft reset the TX almost each time i tapped on the Oxford icon.

- Then uninstalled the Oxford and installed the Pleco on TX internal memory. Worked a little. Then used Wifi. Then Pleco would soft reset the TX each time after that.

- Moved the Pleco to SD card and Pleco would work fine in the beginning. Then kept using the TX, maybe Wifi too and then Pleco became unstable again. Just impossible to even open it without a soft reset.

- Deleted Pleco from Internal memory and card

- Tried to re-install Pleco without the Handwriting recognition. Now It will simply not even install thru hotsync. Gets stuck on documents like another user mentioned earlier.

- And now eventhough I interrupted hotsync I turn on my palm, Pleco icon is installed, keyfile accepted and it seems to work, except the handwriting recognition but that is normal since I decided not to install it hoping it would be stable this way. (I used wifi at the same time, seems to work, I turn on and off CJKOS and it still works...)

I am baffled...well at least I have sort of a dictionnary working. When you get info on recognition and crashes, please update me, I will download new one if it works.




Staff member
I am sorry about all of these problems, but unfortunately there's not much we could have done to prevent them - even if we'd known exactly what Palm was planning to change on the TX, we still wouldn't have have known how that would affect the handwriting recognizer, because we don't have access to its source code and hence don't know how it works. On Windows you can run software from the mid-80s without any serious bugs, but on Palm if a program hasn't specifically been tested with a particular handheld model you should never assume it's going to work problem-free. Especially a very complicated program like PlecoDict.

I'm glad to hear that the software seems to have installed successfully now. I don't know why Documents would be crashing, have you tried to sync any Office files with your desktop using Documents To Go? Or have you installed any text files or other documents on your Palm, such as the add-on flashcard lists for PlecoDict? We actually had another customer report the exact same problem (freezes on HotSync but when you cancel it the software is installed correctly) so this does seem like a potential bug. But it's yet another one that may be difficult to fix, since we really don't have any control over the HotSync process (we just hand it a bunch of database files and tell it to copy them over).

As for the handwriting recognizer, we now have two other TX owners telling us that the software seems to run smoothly with that new recognizer, so I think it's safe to go ahead and purchase it.