Pleco Reader not displaying Chinese characters properly

I tried opening a Word document with Chinese characters in the Pleco Reader (am running the Android version on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1) but Pleco could not display the Chinese characters properly.
I have tried to change the Text Encoding, but all different encoding versions just give me a strange combination of unreadable gibberish.

Does anyone have any clue as to what the problem might be? It's the first time I am using the Reader function.



Staff member
mariellesg said:
I tried opening a Word document with Chinese characters in the Pleco Reader (am running the Android version on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1) but Pleco could not display the Chinese characters properly.
I have tried to change the Text Encoding, but all different encoding versions just give me a strange combination of unreadable gibberish.

We don't support Word documents, unfortunately - incredibly complicated format to parse and there's no open-source code to do it, so it's simply not practical for us to try. However, if you save it from Word as a text file Pleco should have no trouble opening it; it should also be possible to convert it to text by uploading it to Google Docs and saving it from that.