Pleco + iOS App Extensions



Will we ever see Pleco functionality extended to other apps via iOS app extensions? A very example would be tap-selecting a word in an app and being able to view a Pleco dictionary entry without having to leave the app.



Staff member
That particular sort of extension isn't possible yet - in theory it should work via Share, but in practice the only iOS app we've found where the Share feature reliably sends you a highlighted Chinese word is Safari, and since we already offer a dedicated web browser reader module it's hard to justify putting in the (rather massive) effort to create an App Extension just for that.

At the moment our plan is to wait until the iOS 9 beta launches in June and re-evaluate what to do then - they may add more extension types, or at least get the current ones to be integrated more consistently / cleanly (e.g. via a "Share" command from the text highlight bubble).


This kind of thing is "possible" already (bold italic scare quotes because it's huge hack). The German-Chinese dictionary app that is eating Pleco's lunch in my part of Germany ( :( ) registers as an audio app to stay active in the background. Then as soon as the user copies a word in any other app, it posts a local notification with the pronunciation as the sound and the definition as the text. This probably only slipped past Apple's review by accident, but it works wonderfully. If you are feeling lucky, you could always try to sneak that in. :p


Staff member
Could you PM me the name of that app? We're familiar with the concept (though it is indeed playing fire with App Review) but we aren't aware of any Chinese-German apps competitive with Pleco that include it.

(just in general though we're expecting our German position to improve immensely in the near future when we launch something other than HanDeDict)