Pinyin Table Add-on

As far as I know, almost all the applications that feature a pinyin table with sounds have what I think are two serious drawbacks:

1. They include nonexistent sounds (typically,gēi géi gèi);
2. The sound quality is rather poor, and quite often is pronounced in a high-pitched female voice.

I wish Pleco offered a decent pinyin table as an add-on.

Have a nice day!


Staff member
Yeah, have had a few requests for that one but to be honest it doesn't feel like something which we could do meaningfully better than a standalone app could - I'm generally reluctant to add new features if they aren't something that only we can do.

(edit: not referring to talent but rather to integration with our other stuff - graded readers e.g. were something that would meaningfully benefit from being tied into our dictionaries / flashcard system)
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