Palm PlecoDict 1.0.3 Bug Reports

Hi Mike (& PlecoDict Team)

Thanks for your Efforts in Producing the Latest Update :D

Sorry to have to report that a 'Feature' Introduced in 1.0.3p,
Still Exists in the Final 1.0.3 Release.
Auto-Power Off Doesn't Work In A Flashcard Session :? (I am running on a T5)
Not Really a Huge Problem, But I have on a Occasion been Distracted in the Middle of a Session,
Only to Return to a 'Dead' PDA. :(

The Duelist


Staff member
Yes, we looked into this but couldn't reproduce it or determine a likely cause; we managed to fix the power off button not working, but we couldn't do much about this. Is the flashcard "extra field" set to "timer" or "clock" by any chance? Try switching it to something else and see if that helps matters.
mikelove said:
Is the flashcard "extra field" set to "timer" or "clock" by any chance? Try switching it to something else and see if that helps matters.
My Extra Field Info was Set to '% Correct'
I Tried All the Other Options but the result was No Auto-Off :(

The Duelist



Hi Mike.

Can confirm The Duelists post. Auto-off definitely not working. I don't mind, though.

Two more small bugs in flashcards, 'self scored'mode:

- When using the reveal button to advance through cards, they still are shown as correct in the session summary.

- More important: when using the reveal button to advance, the cards won't get a new reviewed tag. If one is using repetitions spacing, that kind of sabotages one's efforts.



PS: Congratulations on your licensing deal. Was silently hoping it would be a C-C dictionary. Anyway, I'll take a look at it.


Staff member
Thanks for the bug reports.

Duelist - OK, we'll keep hunting.

gandq - the first of these does sound like a bug, though I'm not sure if it's big enough to justify an update just for its own sake. The second is actually a design decision, though certainly open to debate - our impression was that the main reason people skipped through cards with the Reveal button was because they didn't want to even bother reviewing them, particularly since the repetition spacing feature isn't all that useful if you're not marking cards as correct/incorrect in order to move them up/down through the ranks. Anyway, this is exactly the sort of thing that should get fleshed out much more completely in 2.0 - the reveal-button-to-advance thing is barely even an official feature at this point, but it's something we may want to develop further in the next release.


Staff member
gandq - Didn't notice the PS. We are literally in the midst of signing a license for a C-C dictionary, meaning that we're actually exchanging signed contracts by mail right now - that's the big licensing announcement I've occasionally alluded to. If things had just gone a little more quickly we could have announced it along with 1.0.3, but we absolutely positively had to have that out by the end of February, so when it became clear that we wouldn't be able to make the announcement by then we went ahead with the release.

So I don't want to jinx things by announcing the title before we actually have a countersigned contract in hand, and the dictionary won't actually be released until Pleco 2.0, but barring any catastrophe you can expect an announcement on this subject very very soon.



I use the reveal button to advance whenever I want a card to remain in the rank it is right now (I've set ranks to advance/retreat after one correct/incorrect). If you suggest that most people don't want to view the cards they skip with the reveal button anyway, setting a time stamp wouldn't upset anyone and make me happy ;-)

With regard to the C-C dictionary: CONGRATULATIONS! I know how long you were working on this.



PS: now that I am posting again, I might as well ask about the "pop up random flashcard on switch on / starting Pleco / whatever else setting would be thinkable" feature. Is it anywhere on your to-do list?


Staff member
Well I suppose that makes sense, but if you're using this to skip over cards you don't really want to review then you might prefer that they not be marked as "reviewed." Still, at the very least there's some justification to making this an option in a future version.

Re your new PS, this is indeed on the to-do list, but the top priority for the next version of the flashcard system remains ease-of-use and new testing modes; the two largest deficiencies in the current version are that the learning curve is steeper than it should be and the actual flashcard testing isn't fun or varied enough, so we'll be addressing those before we worry about any other features. But I'm hoping that the switch to SQLite will make this a smooth enough development cycle that we'll have plenty of time to add all of the extra features we've kept putting off.
Radical Lookup Not Working

If you highlight a character in the Main Dictionary Screen and tap on the radical input button, the radical input screen will come up with that character's radical selected.
This does not appear to be Functioning for me. :(

The Duelist


Staff member
It only works when the radical palette is in fullscreen mode. If you've already got it in that mode and it's still not working, I'm not sure what else to suggest aside from a reinstall - are you running the latest version? Any chance that you might be using an older version of the radical database file (one from one of the beta versions of PlecoDict)?
Thanks, I Think I have it Working Now. :)

I Thought that the Radical/Stroke Count would be 'Automatically' Identified for the Selected Hanzi. ;)
I didn't Realise that I needed to 'Tap' the Radical Box to 'Identify' It,
and that the Stroke Count is still done Manually. :?

The Duelist