ordering with paypal

i just got my new treo 650, and i was all set to download and then pay for plecodict. :-( :-( is it possible? ? i asked here a month ago... if i can pay with paypal. mike said yes. but i cannot find how to do it in the ordering process. it seems to just automatically direct me to credit card payment. perhaps i am a little bit stupid.. :-(



Staff member
It's not supported in the online store yet (we enabled it briefly, but ran into some problems and are waiting until we deploy the newest release of our online store software to support it on a permanent basis), but we can still process PayPal orders manually; just send payment to sales@pleco.com and make sure to include your HotSync Username (or your Device ID for Pocket PC) in the "Notes" field along with the name(s) of the product(s) you wish to purchase.