Option Where Every Character Clickable/Linkable?



...as in Wenlin? Currently, when I click on a characer, it magnifies. Is there a way to reference the character immediately, without having to open the hadwriting input, recognizing the newly drawn character, then perusing through definititions?


Staff member
Not yet, but it's on the list of things we'd like to add. One of the main goals for PlecoDict 2.0 is "do everything that Wenlin does" and that's certainly a big part of it. This might take a number of forms: we're playing around with the idea of a "Character Info" screen that would give you all the info from the UniHan database but in a more easily usable form, but along with that there would likely also be hyperlinks in dictionary entries and a built-in document reader.

So it's in the pipeline, but the first thing we need to do is get the Pocket PC release stabilized (and mop up a few more bugs on Palm), so no work on new features until then.