OCR ---> Reading Mode

Hoping I'm missing something out.

Is there a better way to get into ---> Sill OCR ---> Reading Mode?

At the moment it seems quite cumbersome, not sure if that's just on my end or not. This has been my method:

Long press "Reader/OCR" ---> select still OCR ---> click "Share"(?) button ---> select Reading Mode

GUI changes seem to be throwing me for a loop.


Staff member
Sorry, is this when you're opening a new photo you weren't working with before? You can also share the photo with Pleco from wherever you're viewing it and then enter reading mode from that. We don't currently offer a way to customize the toolbar to add a 'reading mode' button without going through 'share' - the top toolbar in the reader is one of the few toolbars we haven't yet added customization support for - but we could consider fixing that in a future update.