Hi, I have bought a Nokia 5800 from Hong Kong. It has character input and a dictionary but this appears to be for people that already speak Chinese. Does anyone here know if I can download and add Plecodict to the phone at all? :? Any help/responses will be greatly appreciated.
are you kidding me?! No people, just to make it clear: I could buy a Nokia and use pleco on it? without bugs or problems?
cuz cuz my pda just broke, and i'm in Chinese course now and i need my pleco back!!! and i love love love nokia, but i was so upset that the i couldn't use it with pleco because of the symbian, and now you are telling me its not true?
Mike, could I also migrate my license i had for my aser n300 on to the new device i'll buy? HTC, Nokia or i was also considering buying i-phone or i-touch?


Staff member
It'd only be version 1, and it's not exactly the ideal Pleco experience - the interface looks a little wonky and there are some bugs as well. The experience is really a whole lot better on iPhone / iPod Touch. But yes, you can migrate your license to a new Windows Mobile phone, or, aside from the Oxford dictionary and stroke order diagrams modules, an iPhone / iPod Touch.


Staff member
You might be happier with a device with a resistive touchscreen, actually, like the original Touch HD or one of the keyboard ones - the better accuracy of being able to draw / tap on things with a stylus makes handwriting recognition and text selection a good bit nicer on those than on the newer devices.