Newbie confused about Pleco IAP options


Hi there

Just joined up to ask a simple question with regards to the IAP options with Pleco
The basic bundle is $49.99
The professional bundle is $129.99

Does the professional bundle include everything in the basic bundle? (That is, Basic Bundle + Dictionaries)
Does the professional bundle include all of the current dictionaries and features (ABC C-E, ABC E-C, Oxford plus other General Purpose dictionaries)?

I wanted to compare what was included in the professional bundle, compare it with the basic bundle and what the Professional Bundle does NOT include.

Thank you!


Staff member
Thanks for your interest in our software. (these are AUD prices, right?)

The Professional bundle does include everything in the Basic, yes, Along with dictionaries it adds our improved text-to-speech voices and a couple of extra Chinese fonts.

Professional includes all current add-on features but not all dictionaries, not even all of the General Purpose ones - we're actually not permitted to bundle Oxford at the moment. So you get the two ABCs, 21C, NWP, Tuttle and the Chinese-Chinese Xiandai Hanyu Guifan Cidian. (so the focus is on intermediate level but there's also Tuttle to help beginners and Guifan to help advanced students - basically designed to give you something for every stage of Chinese learning)


Thanks for your interest in our software. (these are AUD prices, right?)

The Professional bundle does include everything in the Basic, yes, Along with dictionaries it adds our improved text-to-speech voices and a couple of extra Chinese fonts.

Professional includes all current add-on features but not all dictionaries, not even all of the General Purpose ones - we're actually not permitted to bundle Oxford at the moment. So you get the two ABCs, 21C, NWP, Tuttle and the Chinese-Chinese Xiandai Hanyu Guifan Cidian. (so the focus is on intermediate level but there's also Tuttle to help beginners and Guifan to help advanced students - basically designed to give you something for every stage of Chinese learning)

Thanks for the quick response! Yep - I am quoting in AUD$ (sorry about the omission of currency)
This issue of dictionaries content is very helpful. I am looking for use with my son who is learning basic mandarin and for me to travel overseas. I am chinese but cannot speak or read chinese! So I get pretty stuck when I travel to Asia without my personal translator / wife!

Just out of curiosity - for beginners and basic travelling translator - which dictionaries would be best to install from the Professional Bundle?


Staff member
Tuttle is our best beginner dictionary at the moment, probably. For travel translation the ABCs is probably your best bet, since they have lots and lots of words (especially in C-E) and good short clear accurate definitions for them.


Tuttle is our best beginner dictionary at the moment, probably. For travel translation the ABCs is probably your best bet, since they have lots and lots of words (especially in C-E) and good short clear accurate definitions for them.

Thanks for that info. Now to load up my itunes account so I can buy the IAP! :)