New user installation


I am a new user of Pleco and have two questions/issues.

First, what are the main differences of the new PlecoDict Bundle and the older Oxford Concise English and Chinese Dictionary for Palm OS? I understand about the additional add ons for the "bundle" but in terms of usage? (Perhaps I would know after trying and comparing the two, but can someone just some up the differences?)

Also, I have just installed the demo version of PlecoDict Bundle on my Tungsten T2. I realize now that this is a cropped version, and not the full version and the website says. More importantly, my HotSync function on the computer has informed me of 3 failed installations, which are:
Failed to install font48.pdb
- Unexpected error number 16401
Failed to install Oxford C-E.pdb
- Unexpected error number 16401
Failed to install Oxford E-C.pdb
- Unexpected error number 16401
And, another 14 messages from the installation, which I can't access. Do you have any idea how these will affect the application and my electrical devices?


Staff member
There are a lot of differences. The most serious is that the Oxford E&C is no longer being actively supported or upgraded, so it may not work very well on the latest Palm OS models. Beyond that, PlecoDict has a much more powerful interface (multiple font sizes, bold text, Pinyin tone marks, traditional and simplified characters on the screen at the same time, handwriting recognition from within the main screen), a significantly better handwriting recognizer, vastly expanded flashcard system, a number of powerful new search features like mixed characters/Pinyin and wildcards, and it's based on a newer version of the Oxford E&C dictionary. Plus it works with enormous free add-on dictionaries like the Adso and LDC databases (available at

I'm sorry if you were confused by the website description of the demo - we say that it's the full package because it uses the exact same data files as the demo version (as opposed to Oxford E&C, which had separate demo and paid data files), so you can purchase and unlock the demo version without having to reinstall, but it only lets you access a small subset of the dictionary entries.

I don't know what this "unexpected error number 16401" is, but those are the three largest files in the "Oxford E&C only" version of PlecoDict, so it's possible that they might not be installing because your Tungsten has run out of memory - how much free memory do you have available? (you can check this in the "Info" screen, which you get to by tapping on the clock at the top of the application launcher screen) If you happen to have an SD or MMC card for your Tungsten, it might be worthwhile to install the files to there instead of to your Tungsten's internal memory.


I have installed the program and the unlocking application, but did not get the "PDUnlock" icon or note on either the computer or handheld. What should I do? It still states that I am running a DEMO version. (However, I am sure it did install because the memory space on my handheld has decreased by its stated size of 1.5M)

Also, I have now maxed out on my internal memory, I remember reading that one particular application had to be on the internal memory while other applications could be on the memory chip. Which application has be on the internal memory? Also, is ther any easy way of adjusting the choice of applications and where they were installed? (Previously I deleted the whole program and then reinstalled it.)


Staff member
Already responded by e-mail, but for the benefit of anyone else reading this:

That's strange - are you sure you're looking at the application icons correctly? Tap on the menu at the top right corner of the application launcher screen and choose "All" - does the icon display then?

If it's not coming up, you'll want to delete it and try the "Alternate" keyfile - log in to My Orders ( and below the download link for PDUnlock there should be another download link for that alternate file. Install it (it's very small) and run PlecoDict and the software should unlock. You'll also want to install the handwriting recognition data files that are listed in that same paragraph.

The only files that have to be in internal memory are the PlecoDict application program (PlecoDict.prc) and the handwriting recognition data files (which are supposed to be automatically installed there by PDUnlock, if it's working correctly). The best way to move around applications on your Palm is with the free utility Filez ( - install that and it'll let you browse through your Palm's memory and move files around like you would on a PC. To move a file to your SD card, locate it in the internal memory, select it, and use the "Move" command to put it in the /Palm/Launcher (or newly-created /Palm/Programs/PlecoDict) directory on your SD card.