Just got Pleco for Pocket PC. Amazing product, I am hoping this will help me make it to the next level of Mandarin!
I am trying to install the ABC and PCR flashcards and am following the instructions on the web. I am running a Pocket PC on Windows XP. The problem I have is when I drag the flashcard files over to the Mobile Device folder - it won't let me drag them into this folder. I've tried dragging them into the folder that I use to synchronize files to my PDA, and have been able to use this to at least get the files onto my PDA so they are viewable by File Explorer. However, when I go into Pleco, I still can't see the files for Import, even though I go into the same folder where they were previously visable in File Explorer.
Help! I am not very tech savvy and have just gotten this Pocket PC so am not very experienced with setup!
Another quick question, I notice that there are new files called plecodict flashcards.peb and PlecoDict User DB C-E.peb created in my mobile device directory. Is it possible to move these into another folder to keep things tidy, or do they need to stay here in this directory?
Thanks again for a great product.
Anybody have flashcards for Integrated Chinese textbooks?
I am trying to install the ABC and PCR flashcards and am following the instructions on the web. I am running a Pocket PC on Windows XP. The problem I have is when I drag the flashcard files over to the Mobile Device folder - it won't let me drag them into this folder. I've tried dragging them into the folder that I use to synchronize files to my PDA, and have been able to use this to at least get the files onto my PDA so they are viewable by File Explorer. However, when I go into Pleco, I still can't see the files for Import, even though I go into the same folder where they were previously visable in File Explorer.
Help! I am not very tech savvy and have just gotten this Pocket PC so am not very experienced with setup!
Another quick question, I notice that there are new files called plecodict flashcards.peb and PlecoDict User DB C-E.peb created in my mobile device directory. Is it possible to move these into another folder to keep things tidy, or do they need to stay here in this directory?
Thanks again for a great product.
Anybody have flashcards for Integrated Chinese textbooks?