New Store


Staff member
Online now at - along with being responsive / mobile-friendly, it should be a massive, massive upgrade usability-wise; now, instead of flipping through a long catalog / entering your ID / adding something to a shopping cart, you simply enter your ID on the top of the page, see the items that you've already bought automatically grayed out, check the box next to any new item you want to buy, enter your details, and you're done.

Also more secure, both because it's a lot simpler (no worries of an undiscovered security vulnerability in some obscure corner of the store) and because we're now doing client-side JavaScript encryption of people's CC #s - encrypt using PKI and only our payment processing company has the private key to decrypt it, so we're never even handling the raw numbers on our server. More private, too - we only store your name, email, and what you bought in our database.

The responsive theme has also been applied to My Orders, and will show up (with a bit more Pleco-specific styling) on our main site shortly as well.


That's awesome, the new shop really looks a lot more clearly arranged than the old one. Signing in with the ID works great.
I believe you haven't added the Grand Ricci to the product list yet.


Staff member
That's awesome, the new shop really looks a lot more clearly arranged than the old one. Signing in with the ID works great.
I believe you haven't added the Grand Ricci to the product list yet.

Yes, actually we haven't officially launched that one.