New flashcards not being introduced in sequence



I can't seem to get my newly imported flashcards to show up in the sequence that they appear in the text file when starting a new testing session with a newly created database. I've confirmed that the cards are in the proper sequence under the "Organize Cards" menu. They're all uncategorized.

Can you please tell me what I'm missing here? I see this under SRS and 'Simple' testing routines. The testing session just throws at me random cards. Is there a non-random setting I didn't tick off somewhere? My expectation is that the system will present to me new previously untested cards in the order that they are presented in the text file. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Staff member
At the moment, the only way to avoid randomization is to use "fixed" card selection. (pedagogically, we think any kind of a fixed card order is a really bad idea, though we probably will bow to pressure and add an option to at least introduce new cards in that order in one of our next few flashcard updates)


Thanks Mike for the reply. I was afraid I was missing something. I will certainly look forward to an option that allows for this in a future update.


(pedagogically, we think any kind of a fixed card order is a really bad idea, though we probably will bow to pressure and add an option to at least introduce new cards in that order in one of our next few flashcard updates)

I don't disagree, but the ability to review cards in order is really helpful when you want to review cards in conjunction with reading long-form text (e.g., a news article, etc.) A very common school scenario: reviewing/discussing an essay which will take 2-3 days to cover in class. Being familiar with the teaching style and pace, I know that on the first day we'll cover roughly the first 2-3 pages of text. Thus, I'd want to drill on the relevant flashcards for those pages the night before.


Staff member
Wouldn't it make more sense in that case to divvy up the relevant cards into a couple of categories? The specific order isn't important, you just want to make sure you review all of the first third of the list or so.


Wouldn't it make more sense in that case to divvy up the relevant cards into a couple of categories? The specific order isn't important, you just want to make sure you review all of the first third of the list or so.

Yes, I've done this many times before. As long as I keep the number of cards within each subcategory manageable (~10-15) then the order of the cards within each does not matter much.
I also badly want this feature. I have learnt the HSK word list in order so getting a character at the end of the HSK 4 list doesn't help me.

Also, I have tried selecting 'fixed' in the 'card selection' category but the characters are still coming up in a random order. Do I need to change other settings? Can I still use the 'spaced repetition' profile with 'fixed' and have them start from the beginning?


Staff member
"Fixed" is based on the cards' creation time; if you want that to reflect their order in the list, the best way to do that for now would be to export the cards in that category to a text file, delete the category, then reimport the cards with the import screen configured to allow duplicates - that should put it in the correct order.