Modern C-C Dictionary - Which One?


现代汉语规范词典 or 汉语大辞典?

I'm looking for a modern Chinese-Chinese dictionary, with pinyin (for the main words), modern definitions, and contemporary examples. Which dictionary would be better for me - Xiandai Hanyu Guifan Cidian or Hanyu Da Cidian? I'm tempted by the size/reputation of 汉语大辞典, but a quick browse of the forums seems to indicate that many users are actually using it for Classical Chinese, whereas my needs currently lean towards Modern Chinese.

Also, there is no demo for 汉语大辞典. The app says to "see the links below", but no links are provided. Accidental omission?
汉语大辞典 has everything from Classical Chinese to modern Mandarin (including some 方言 entries) - it might be a little bit overwhelming though, depending on your needs.

现代汉语规范词典 might be slightly more "modern" as you say - it focuses on "standardizing" Chinese (although there are 方言 entries aswell). For instance 确凿 has the following note: 注意 “凿”不读zuò。which is something a lot of native speakers are not sure about themselves because it has only been standardized in recent years.