Missing traditional word


Hi, I have a question about the word , which I can't find in PlecoDict. I can find , which is the more common variant.

Is it because of the SimSun font? Would MingLiu have it?


Ah, it's just the hand-writing recognition can't find it, but it's in there. Hope it gets fixed. :(

Other than that little hiccup, so far it's been great. What an incredibly powerful piece of software!


Staff member
Thanks! But it's unlikely we'd add any more characters to the handwriting recognizer - adding more characters necessarily means lowering accuracy, since there are more possible characters for a particular input to incorrectly match, and we feel the current set represents a good balance. We are, however, planning to (eventually) allow you to search for characters by component, which means if you found 峰 you could easily look up just the 峯 part of it.