Memory card types


Installed Pleco Dict last week onto a Sony TJ25. Fantastic and working fine. I then tried to move the Oxford dictionary files themselves onto a memory card but it then wasn't able to switch to those dictionaries. This was both moving them manually and directly installing to memory card from the PC.

I had read in the manual that I could not use Pro or Duo MS, so had bought a standard 128mB one (with MagicGate). Are these types compatible or do I need to buy one of the older style ones that doesn't have MagicGate? If so, any ideas where I can you buy them online - most places only seem to stock the newer ones. Otherwise, what might it be that I am doing wrong?



Staff member

Actually we really need to update that part of the manual - there's no reason why PlecoDict won't work with any type of Memory Stick, the only reason we recommend the basic type is because some Clies don't support the other kinds and we don't want people to buy a Memory Stick only to discover it doesn't work. (we've found over the years that it's generally best to be as cautious as possible with these sorts of recommendations)

So the source of your problem is very likely that the flies are in the wrong location on your Memory Stick - you need to put them in the /Palm/Launcher or /Palm/Programs/PlecoDict directory. As long as you do that, PlecoDict should be able to read them.


Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the files are in the correct Launcher file and are still not accessible. I have also checked the Files Preference and all three options are ticked.

When I try to move them from that file to a Program/PlecoDict directory I get an error message. I am therefore assuming that it is hardware problem - unless there are others who have had any similar problems.



Staff member
That seems possible, but have you tried copying the files directly to /Palm/Programs/PlecoDict with MSMount? (after deleting them from Launcher first)

And this is probably a silly question, but you are copying the Palm .pdb files and not the original .zip or .exe installer, right?