Magnifying flachcard characters



I use Plecodict on a T3 and I'm still not sure how to magnify the flashcard characters. I purchased the complete software, is there something else I need to install?


If you are able to magnify the characters while in the regular dictionary, you should be able to magnify them on the flashcards.

I'm able to do it on my Treo 600 without any problems.

Select the menu, Dict, Preferences, Characters, and make sure that "Enable char magnification (tap)" is selected. If not, you should select it.

While in the flashcard, just click on the Chinese character and it should automatically magnify assuming that you have the proper magnification font.


Staff member
If they're not magnifying with the "Enable char magnification" option enabled (which it is by default) then you might be missing the magnified font file - try downloading the "manual installer" from and install the file "font48.pdb" from the "Fonts" folder. If you don't know how to install Palm database files to your T3, the PlecoDict instruction manual has a walkthrough of that. If any of that's confusing, send us an e-mail and we can provide you with more detailed assistance.

Also, you can get magnified characters at the top of each flashcard by checking the "Magnify characters in headword" box in the "Test Settings" screen - if tapping on the characters doesn't work, however, this probably won't work either until you install the correct font file.



I didn't have that file so I downloaded the whole program again and re-installed it; everything works fine. The regular dictionary text size is smaller than before, is this adjustable?
Off the subject, can anyone recommend a document reader? I have documents to go, but it doesn't seem to want to read a lot of the files I try to sync.



It would be swell if there were a way to display the 96-point magnified character by tapping on it in the flashcards. PlecoDict uses the 48-point font in flashcards on my Treo 650 but tapping on those characters doesn't bring up the 96-point versions. (Consider this a very very low-priority feature request; it's just something I expected to work and was a little surprised when it didn't.)


Staff member
Ange - glad to hear it. DocsToGo is perhaps a little too powerful for its own good; a lot of people seem to use iSilo though I'm not sure how well it works with Chinese, I for one am partial to QED since it also does editing and is completely free.

koreth - yes, that probably would make sense - it's actually trickier than you might think (due to the funny way we've had to implement Chinese-language text fields) but with all of the other changes we're making to flashcard display in 2.0 we should be able to make this one as well.


I would also love to have the possibility to see the characters in the 96 font version during the flashcard session.
Would it be possible to add a magnifying glass button just like in the dictionary mode so that I first select the character to be magnified and then tap the magnifying glass.

Since I am studying traditional characters it is often difficult to see the details of the character with just the 48 font size. This means I have to try to remember which characters I had difficulty with and then look them up after the flashcard session by going to the dictionary mode. This of course is not optimal.

I am running Pleco on Windows Mobile 5.0 on an ETEN M600 smartphone.


Staff member
Well on Pocket PC you can make the characters a little larger by increasing the "Magnified" font size in Preferences - still, I agree that a magnifying glass would be better.