Live OCR: Best focus options for LG LV10?

Pleco 3.2.23 Android 5.1.1 on a LG LV10

Focus is difficult. When trying to read something the focus keeps moving in and out and takes too long to finally settle and recognize. Typically I'm reading from a book or computer screen and want to use OCR to help with a few words.

Tried Several settings. Currently:
Live Video OCR Settings

Tap Video to Pause
(only while held down)
Tap Video to Refocus
Enable Motion Detection
Mode: Sensor +Video
Delay before pause 1/2 sec
All thresholds 100%
Max defn update speed: None

I also don't understand how to set the camera icon at the top of the lice OCR screen - whether to use autofocus, macro, or other functions.



Staff member
Did you try turning on macro mode (in the camera toolbar - flower icon)? Issues with focus at distance are often cleared up by that. You might also disable continuous autofocus if that's currently enabled (AF button in the camera toolbar) - on some devices the algorithm for that doesn't work well with close up OCR text and you're better off triggering it manually + leaving the focus the same once you have it where you want it.


Pleco 3.2.23 Android 5.1.1 on a LG LV10

Focus is difficult. When trying to read something the focus keeps moving in and out and takes too long to finally settle and recognize. Typically I'm reading from a book or computer screen and want to use OCR to help with a few words.

Tried Several settings. Currently:
Live Video OCR Settings

Tap Video to Pause
(only while held down)
Tap Video to Refocus
Enable Motion Detection
Mode: Sensor +Video
Delay before pause 1/2 sec
All thresholds 100%
Max defn update speed: None

I also don't understand how to set the camera icon at the top of the lice OCR screen - whether to use autofocus, macro, or other functions.


I use iPad 3 with no retina. When I do a live OCR scan on a Chinese character on newspaper, the scanning keeps seeking and hard to recognize the character.
When I see Benny Lewis scanned the cafe menu and store sign in Taiwan in his cell phone, it was so impressive.


Staff member
The iPad 3 does have a Retina Display, actually, but to be honest, live OCR from a 10" iPad is inherently pretty dicey since it's very hard to keep the camera steady. The camera on the iPad 3 is 5 megapixels, though, so with good light it should be able to capture a pretty large amount of text in a still image at OCR-friendly resolution - does it work better if you use still OCR?


The iPad 3 does have a Retina Display, actually, but to be honest, live OCR from a 10" iPad is inherently pretty dicey since it's very hard to keep the camera steady. The camera on the iPad 3 is 5 megapixels, though, so with good light it should be able to capture a pretty large amount of text in a still image at OCR-friendly resolution - does it work better if you use still OCR?

Mike, thanks for alerting me that iPad 3 indeed has retina.
Will try to test as you recommended.