Legacy Flashcard: Scoring not working?


Initial correct score seems not to be working. It looks for me as if every card is lifted to the set score instead of calculating the score.
Two examples:
Score before 258, easiness 75 Score after 400, easiness 79.
Score before 321, easiness 86 Score after 400, easiness 90.

Both cards have over 10 repetitions on them.


Scoring seems to be broken in general. A card with Score 793 and easiness 120 stayed at the same score after a correct answer. Looking at the answer history it seems as only easiness has increased over time without increasing the score.
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Staff member
For the first post, is this different from how it behaved for you in the old app? Initial correct score is actually supposed to work like this, as a minimum imposed after any correct answer - that's how it was designed to work in 3.0 too. But if it was working differently for you in that we can investigate whether there's some subtle bug or other odd behavior we failed to port over. (I don't necessarily think it was the right decision to do it that way, but with Legacy we're specifically trying to reproduce the old version behavior, odd design decisions and all)

With the second one, was the card perhaps reviewed ahead of its scheduled review date? And is "if review early" set to "skip"? That would explain the lack of a score change if so.


To be honest I never really looked into how initial correct worked before to beta. So I guess it is not a bug then.

For the second issue, no the card was not reviewed early. Most cards don‘t score correctly and haven‘t for some time.

I changed if review early to change normally, now it seems to be scoring again. So I guess there is a bug in were cards are due but somehow they are not? I have my Card Selection Day type set to Calendar, could there be a problem in cards being shown to me but the system sees them as being reviewed early?
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Staff member
Actually there is a bug relating to the calendar date calculation for "if review early" and cards being due not being totally in sync; that should be fixed in our next beta. If you switch the day type to "hours" in the meantime that should hopefully work around it, or you could set "if review early" to score cards normally.


Staff member
Sorry, you mean the second bug where it incorrectly skips adjusting the score because it thinks the card is being reviewed early? Could you email me a backup of your flashcard database?


Sorry, yes the second bug. I can send you a backup, however I have manually adjusted the scores now. Is this helpful? Otherwise I can send you the backup tomorrow after a new test.


Staff member
Yes, if you don't mind it would be useful even now - the review logs should shed some light on why the scores didn't get adjusted and the settings will help us reproduce it.