Learning pinyin then characters with flashcards

I'm looking for some tips on setting up a flashcard system. What I'd like to be able to do is progressively learn the following:
1. Enter pinyin when shown the definition
2. Once step 1 is "learned" (greater than some threshold), enter pinyin when shown the characters.
3. Once step 2 is "learned" (greater than some threshold), enter characters when shown the definition.

Now here's the catch: I'd like the frequency to reset with each step, i.e. after step 1, step 2 should begin with quizzing me on character recognition every day (not every 8th day or wherever the "learned" threshold occurs from step 1).

Hope this is clear... I've been looking for some solution for this for some time. Thanks in advance for any tips.


Staff member
"Score-based" subject selection would do all of this except the frequency reset, but to get that behavior I'm afraid you'd need something a bit more complicated.

The best option I can think of would be to set up three profiles, all sharing a single scorefile. Each should have a card filter active to limit to a particular range of scores (consecutive but not overlapping), and the bottom of that range should be set as the minimum score in Tweak Parameters and as the number of points per day in Card Selection.

You'd have to do a separate daily test with each profile, but individual cards would be getting the behavior you want - card hits the threshold to go on to step 2, then it's picked up by that profile and the minimum score setting will ensure that it doesn't drop back to step 1.

Due to the systemwide limitations on score ranges, you'd probably also want to reset all of your cards to have a score of 10 rather than 100 and make that the start of the first range - will give you more room on the upper end.