Is there a bookmark to open a document in Pleco we browser from Safari?


Is there a way to create a bookmark in Safari to open up a document in Pleco's browser?

For example, the Mercury browser has an easy bookmark setup screen where you create a Safari bookmark and then change the link to be: "javascript:window.location='merc://'+escape(window.location)"

The atomic Web browser has something similar.

Another example is for the PDF reader (which is AWESOME, btw) called GoodReader, it has two integrations....either manually adding a 'g' in front of the web URL or by setting up a bookmark as: "javascript:window.location='g'+location.href"

Is there a similar way to take a webpage and then get it to open in Pleco's browser?



Would it be an "easy-to-do-so-let's-do-it" feature request? Or is it a "we'll add it to the list" feature request? :)



Staff member
The former category no longer exists, to be honest - feature bloat has gotten us in a lot of trouble over the years, so regardless of how ostensibly easy something might be to implement we generally don't rush right out and do it anymore.